

Are you considering the idea of overseas ministry? Our short-term trips are designed to help you explore this as you visit a long-term team on the field. A short-term trip is a great opportunity if you want to:
- Create space to pray about what God is leading you into
- Meet, bless and learn from long-term workers
- Engage with locals and pray for unreached peoples
- Be inspired for what may lie ahead
- Put your skills to use
Our options for short-term trips:
→ Individual, tailor-made placement (2 weeks – 3 months) → Group trip (1 – 3 weeks)
We are looking for people that want to use their skills to bless others hearts. From artists to evangelist, youth workers to multimedia producers, we have opportunities for you to use your skills and experience in creative ways.
By 2015, the number of asylum seekers reached 1,325,000. They came to join dozens of millions of Muslims in Europe (Unknown number between 20 to 32 millions) Tragically, since 2014 more than 4,000 people have died every year while crossing the Mediterranean. There seems to be no end to the steady flow of desperate migrants trying to enter Europe.
Most of those seeking asylum in Europe come from conflict zones in Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Eritrea, Sudan, Iraq, and Northern Nigeria. Others come from stable countries, seeking a better lifestyle.
They face horrendous journeys, disease, hunger, and ruthless smugglers. They risk everything for refugee status in Europe.
• Pray for multitudes to turn to Jesus as their refuge and hope in their moment of greatest need.
• Pray for courageous and compassionate Europeans to faithfully display and proclaim Christ’s love.
• Pray for discernment and wisdom that we could respond to the real needs among migrants
Thank you for considering a donation to the ministry. If God is leading you to partner with us financially, you may give through Allegro
Click on the ‘Donate’ tab, and you will find the different ways to donate. Our Account Designation Code is needed: AMinSpain.HMF